Sleep Phobia or Somniphobia| Diagnosis & Treatment


Usually sleep phobia are diagnosed as fair and anxiety cause distress and difficulty in once everyday life.

  • One is diagnosed with somniphobia if one square off sleeping affect sleep quality.
  • Negatively affects physical / emotional health causes of persistent anxiety and stress related to sleep.
  • Causes problems at work school / personal life.
  • Has lasted for more than 6 months.
  • Causes want to put off / avoid sleep as much as possible.
Sleep Phobia


Not all phobias required treatment in some cases it’s fairly easy to avoid the object once there but sleep phobia can have serious physical and mental health consequences treatment depends on the underlying cause of sleep phobia for example if one has a sleep anxiety addressing that you may resolve somniphobia but for most cases exposure therapy is the most effective treatment option.

EXPOSURE THERAPY:  It includes discussing the spare, using relaxation techniques and then imagining what it would be like to get a good night sleep.

 it involves images of people sleep who appeared to be comfortable resting then when one has master these cues one may be encouraged to take brief naps with a partner parents / trusted friend present in the house to reinforce that he or she can wake up safely

COGNITIVE BEHAVIOURAL THERAPY (CBT):  This approach helps one identify and work through fair related to sleep people learn to challenge the thoughts when they experience them and aeroplane them so they cost less distress another approach is sleep destruction it involves going to bed and getting up at specific time regardless of our how much sleep one actually get this helps once body develop better sleep patterns which can be helpful for somniphobia when combined with cognitive behavioural therapy


Warning: It is very important to consult a physician or a psychiatrist for treating depression or anxiety or any sleep related disorders. Please Do not take any medications without consulting any Medical Practitioner.

Certain drugs can reduce symptoms of fear and anxiety and may be helpful when used along with therapy.

Certain medication includes beta blockers help one maintain a study heart rate and blood pressure from rising.

BENZODIAZEPINES: They are type of sedative that can help with anxiety symptoms they can be edited so there are not meant for a long time to be used. One must consult a psychiatrist or a physician before taking these medications.


Sleep anxiety is the fear of falling asleep and staying keep alone. It is also known as sleep phobia, hyper phobia clinophobia or sleep dread it causes extreme anxiety and fear around the thought of going to bed.

sleep anxiety


  • Feeling share of anxiety when thinking about sleeping
  • Experiencing distress as it gets closer to bedtime avoiding going to bed or staying up as long as possible
  • Having panic attacks when it’s time to sleep
  • Having trouble focusing on things besides sleep-related worry and fear.
  • Experiencing irritability or mood swings
  • Having a hard time remembering things
  • Physical symptoms include nausea / others stomach issues related to persistent anxiety around sleep
  • Tightness in one chest slash increased heart rate when thinking about sleep
  • Sweating chills and hyper ventilation / other trouble breathing when one thinks about sleeping

Other signs of soma phobia revolve around coping techniques some people about to leave for lights tv on music for distraction other turn to substances including alcohol to reduce feelings or fear around sleep


  • Some sleep disorders can there be in its development in during sleep paralysis this sleep disorder occurs when one wakes up from rm sleep with his or her muscles paralyzed making it hard to move.
  • One might experience nightmare like healthy nations and can make sleep paralysis very frightening especially if one has a recurring episodes.
  • Nightmare disordered this causes frequent vivid night nightmares that often causes district throughout plants day one might find ourselves thinking back to scenes from the nightmares feel afraid of what happened in one stream or worry about having more night mares.
  • Experiencing trauma/posttraumatic stress dis- order can both contribute to nightmares comic and also a fair of sleep one might also their things that could happen while one is sleeping such as burglary, fire or other disaster.
  • Somniphobia has also been linked to care of dying worrying about dying in one sleep might eventually lead to fear of falling asleep at all it is also possible to develop somniphobia  without eclair cause phobias open develop in childhood so 1 may not remember exactly when his / her fair begin or why.


People are more likely to develop a specific phobia if their close family members also has a phobia or as a history of anxiety.

Treatment for Sleep Disorders : Change Lifestyle

Treatment for sleep disorders, first lifestyle should be changed. Lifestyle adjustments greatly improve one’s quality of sleep especially when one is done along with medical treatments

treatment for sleep disorders


  • Incorporating more vegetables and fish into one’s diet and reducing sugar intake.
  • Reducing stress and anxiety by exercising and stretching.
  • Creating and sticking to a regular sleeping schedule.
  • Drinking less water before bedtime.
  • Limiting your caffeine intake, especially in the late afternoon or evening.
  • Decreasing tobacco and alcohol use.
  • Eating smaller low carbohydrate meals before bedtime.


Treatment for sleep disorders can vary depending on the type and underlying cause. However, it generally includes a combination of medical treatments and lifestyle changes.


Medical treatment for sleep disturbances include any of the following:

  • Sleeping pills
  • Melatonin supplements
  • Medications for any underlying health issues
  • Breathing device/ surgery (usually for sleep apnea)
  • A dental guard (for teeth grinding)

Lifestyle adjustments greatly improve one’s quality of sleep, especially when one is done along with medical treatments.


  • Incorporating more vegetables, and fish into your diet and reducing sugar intake
  • Reducing stress and anxiety by exercising and stretching
  • Creating and sticking to a regular sleeping schedule
  • Drinking less water before bedtime
  • Limiting your caffeine intake, especially in the late afternoon or evening
  • Decreasing tobacco and alcohol use
  • Maintaining a healthy weight based on one’s doctor recommendation
  • Going to bed and waking up at the same time everyday can also significantly improve one’s sleep quality
  • The effects of sleep disorders can be so discriptive that one will likely want immediate relief. Long term cases can take a bit more time to resolve
  • However, if one sticks to his/her treatment plan and regularly communicate with one’s doctor he/she can find his/her way to better sleep

Causes of Sleep Disorder & Diagnosis

CAUSES OF SLEEP DISORDER : There are many conditions diseases and disorders that can be the causes of sleep disorders. In many cases sleep disorder develops as a result of an underlying health problem.

causes of sleep disorder


Allergy coma cold coma and upper respiratory infection can make it challenging to breathe at night the inability to breathe through one’s nose can also be one of the causes sleep disorder.

FREQUENT URINATION: Nocturia or Frequent urination may disturb one sleep by causing want to wake up during the night hormonal imbalances and diseases of the urinary track may contribute to the development of this condition.


 Constant pain makes it difficult to fall asleep even wake up one after falling asleep. Some of the most common causes of chronic pain include:

  • Arthritis
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Persistent Headache
  • Continuous Lower Back Pain

 In some cases, chronic pain may be exhibited by sleep disorders

STRESS AND ANXIETY stress and anxiety have a negative impact on sleep quality nightmares sleep talking / sleepwalking may also disrupt one’s sleep


Doctors perform a physical examination and gather information about one’s symptoms and medical history. They may also order various tests including:

POLYSOMNOGRAPHY (PSG):  this is a lab sleep study that evaluates oxygen levels body movements and brain waves to determine how they disrupt sleep vs home sleep study HST that is performed in once own home and is used to diagnose sleep apnea.

ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM (EEG): this is a test that assesses electrical activity in the brain and detect any potential problem associated with this activity it is a part of polysomnography.

MULTIPLE SLEEP LATENCY TEST this datetime napping study is used in conjunction with a PSG (Polysomnography) at night to help diagnose narcolepsy these tests can be crucial in determining the right course of treatment for sleep disorders

Types of Sleeping Disorders & Its Symptoms

There are many types of sleeping disorders. Some may be caused by some underlying health conditions:

types of sleeping disorders

INSOMNIA is one of the types of sleeping disorders. It refers to the inability to fall asleep or to remain asleep it can be caused by jetlag stress and anxiety hormones or digestive problems.

Insomnia can be problematic for one’s overall health and quality of life potentially


  1. Depression
  2. Difficulty concentrating
  3. Irritability
  4. Weight gain
  5. Impaired work / school performance

Insomnia is extremely common the disorder is most prevalent among older adults and women.

Insomnia is usually classified as one of three types:

 CHRONIC when insomnia happens on a regular basis for at least 1 month

 INTERMITTENT when insomnia cause periodically

 TRANSIENT when insomnia lasts for just as few nights at a time


Sleep apnea is characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep this is a serious medical condition that causes the body to take in less oxygen it can also cause want to wake up during the night.

There are two types of sleep apnea

OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA where the flow of air stops because airway space is obstructed or is too narrow.

CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA where there is a problem in the connection between the brain and the muscles that control once breath.

PARASOMNIAS they are class of sleep disordered that cause abnormal on moments and behaviour during sleep they include:

  • Sleepwalking
  • Sleep talking
  • Groaning
  • Nightmares
  • Bed wetting
  • Teeth grinding or jaw clenching

RESTLESS LEG SYNDROME it is an overwhelming need to move the legs this is sometimes accompanied by a tingling sensation in the legs

While these symptoms can occur during the day, they are most prevalent at night it is often associated with certain health conditions including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and parkinson’s disease.

NARCOLEPSY it is characterized by sleep attacks that occur while awake it means that one will suddenly feel extremely tired and fall asleep without warning

 the disorder can also cause sleep paralysis which may make one physically unable to move right after walk to waking up although narco sleep occur on its own it is also associated with certain neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis.


Symptoms differ depending on the severity and types of sleeping disorders they may also vary when steam disorders are result of another condition however general symptoms of sleep disorders include:

  • Difficulty falling or staying asleep
  • Daytime Fatigue
  • Strong urge to take naps during day
  • unusual breathing problems
  • Un pleasant or unusual urges move while falling asleep
  • Unusual moment or other experiences while asleep
  • Unintentional changes to one sleep-wake schedule
  • Irritability / anxiety
  • Impaired performance at work / school
  • Lack of concentration
  • Depression and
  • Weight gain

Sleep Disorders Issues

Sleep Disorders
  • Sleep Disorders are a group of conditions that affect the ability to sleep well on a regular basis.
  • They may be caused by health problems or by too much stress.
  • Most people occasionally experience sleeping problems due to stress hectic schedules or other outside influences.
  • When these issues begin to occur on a regular basis and interfere with daily life they may indicate a sleeping disorder.
  • Sleep disorders can affect one’s performance at work cost rain in relationships and impair one’s ability to perform daily activities.
  • People may have a difficult time in falling asleep and may feel extremely tired throughout the day.
  • The lack of sleep can have a negative impact on energy and concentration and overall health.

Natural Treatment for Clinomania

Natural Treatment for Clinomania is the best way than Medicine. Medicine have side effects, so one should consider a natural and a non-medical way to treat any anxiety or psychological disorders. People clinomania should work hard to shake off the conditions by motivating his own will and should have the will power to fight this illness. It is the best natural treatment for clinomania. One should avoid being lazy and motivating him/herself against the disease. One Should also exercise regularly in the early morning to stop clinomania to conquer his/her mind. Having wholesome breakfast, lots of water coffee and following healthy diet helps to overcome this disease.

Natural Treatment for Clinomania

Early Stages of Clinomania don’t really need medications. It is usually a case of motivating a person enough to pull themselves out of bed and do something useful in life.

When such people find a focus back in their life, like a job/hobby, they are most welcome to the idea of leaving their bed.

It is only a trained psychologist who can handle the problem of clinomania and get a person to shrik off this dangerous habit.

The psychologist job is to find out what might be of interest to clinomniac’s and encourage them in that pursuit

Clinomania Treatment : A Complete Guide Line

Clinomania treatment involves psychological counselling by a trained professional whether it is a Psychologist or a Psychiatrist.

Clinomania treatment

Medical Treatment. It is highly advisable to consult medical professional such as Psychologist or a psychiatrist before taking any medications.

Medications such as serotonin is effective against clinomania. Please don’t take any medications without consulting your doctor.

How is Clinomania Diagnosed?

First of all it is very difficult to clinomania diagnosis because different individuals show different symptoms. Some of the symptoms are also similar to other anxiety disorders such as systemic lupus erythematosus.

Clinomania Diagnosis

If a person is feeling constant tired and stays in bed all day, he/she could be suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Clinomania is often mistaken for CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), but this is not really true because clinomania has nothing to do with fatigue and exhaustion. It is purely an anxiety disorder

Clinomania is however closely linked to depression; Not all Clinomaniac’s are affected by depression, but most people who have depression exhibit clinomania related symptoms. So it important to take advice from an psychologist for clinomania diagnosis.

What are the Symptoms of Clinomania?

Symptoms of Clinomania

A person with clinomania can have following symptoms of clinomania:

  • As soon as a person wakes up, he/se may have a deep desire to crawl back into the bed.
  • They try to do everything from bed, eat breakfast, read, write, surf mobile internet etc
  • There is never too much time spend in bed.
  • They often daydream about being in bed.
  • They think of leaving the bed is daunting as leaving the womb and feel as a herculean task  to leave the quilt.
  • The best part of the day is when they reunite with their bed
  • They only prefer sleeping than doing anything else.
  • Some people feel as if they are ill and have some grave disease.

When people ask Clinomaniac’s about their hobby, they confidently reply is ‘SLEEPING.’ This is the main symptoms of clinomania.